Developer Guide of DueQuest

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
    • Welcome to DueQuest
  2. Setting Up
    • Prerequisites
    • Setting the project
  3. Design
    • Architecture
    • Task Component
    • Command
    • Managers
    • Storage
  4. Implementation
    • Adding
    • Display
    • Storage
    • Edit
    • Delete
  5. Documentation
    • Basic Thing to know
    • Style guidance
    • Diagrams
  6. Testing
    • Running Tests
    • Types of Tests
  7. Appendices
    • Appendix A: Product Scope
    • Appendix B: User Stories
    • Appendix C: Non Functional Requirements
    • Appendix D: Glossary
    • Appendix E: Instructions for Manual Testing

1. Introduction

Welcome to DueQuest

Hello! We appreciate your interest in contributing to DueQuest. DueQuest is an application that uses a Command Line Interface (CLI) specifically for NUS Students to manage their schedule during school. This guide is written to give a clearer understanding for developers who are interested in improving the design and implementation of DueQuest.

2.Setting Up


  1. Fork the repo and clone it into your computer
  2. Configure the JDK in IntelliJ to ensure it is configured to use JDK11.
  3. Click Import Project (or Open or Import in newer version of Intellij).
  4. IntelliJ IDEA by default has the Gradle plugin installed. If you have disabled it, go to File → Settings → Plugins to re-enable them.
  5. Locate the build.gradle file (not the root folder as you would do in a normal importing) and select it. Click OK . If asked, choose to Open as Project (not Open as File ).
  6. Click OK to accept the default settings but do ensure that the selected version of Gradle JVM matches the JDK being used for the project.
  7. Wait for the importing process to finish (could take a few minutes).

3. Design


The diagram below shows a flow chart which gives an overall general picture of how the application works whenever the application receives an input from the user and a shows how each component interacts with one another for different scenarios. The logic behind the application is mostly handled by the Parser which converts inputs into various executable Command.

Module Component

ModuleManager is the class that maintains the list of Module for the app and provides appropriate API to manipulate these modules.

Class Function
Module Module class has attributes such as moduleCode, title, auNumber and teachingSatffs, and it also keeps the records of Assessment (e.g. assignments, exams, etc.)
Assessment Assessment class stores the scores obtained by the user for the assessments he did for the Module

To manipulate the module, the developer needs to access it from ModuleManager, generally through APIs such as getModule(moduleCode: String) .

Task Component

Each Task can be a Lesson, Event or Deadline. Below is a UML diagram showing some of the properties and methods that these classes have. A Task will be created whenever a User wants to add a Task into the ScheduleManager or ModuleManager.

Class Function
Task Parent class of Lesson, Deadline and Event
Lesson Represents an Lesson object. A Lesson object represents a lesson for a module that occurs during the semester, maintaining information such as the description of the lesson, startTimeOfLesson, endTimeOfLesson, and day of the week which it occurs on (which is noted by the frequency).
Deadline Represents an Event object. An Event object represents a one-off event for a module that maintains information such as date of the event, startTimeOfEvent, endTimeOfEvent.
Event Represents a Deadline object. A Deadline object represents a deadline for a module that maintains information such as description of the deadline and date of the deadline.


The logic of what should be executed whenever the application receives an input will be handled by parsing these inputs into Commands using a Parser . Below is a UML Diagram showing how the Parser classes and the Command classes interact. Unless the Command is an ExitCommand or HelpCommand , the Command will be executed to perform an action to either the ScheduleManager or ModuleManager or both.

Class Function
Command An Abstract class which is the parent class of all of the commands below. The main method in this class is the execute() method, which handles the different executions required depending on the input by the user.
AddCommand A child class of Command which helps to execute the feature of adding a Task into the ScheduleManager and ModuleManager.
AddModuleCommand A child class of Command which helps to add a Module into the ModuleManager.
DeleteCommand A child class of Command to execute methods to delete a Task and Module
DisplayCommand A child class of Command which helps to display the list of tasks in a any day stated by the user, or the list of tasks from a Module stated by the user.
EditCommand A child class of Command to execute edit methods
EditModuleCommand A child class of EditCommand to execute edit methods that has a module code in the input.
EditTaskCommand A child class of EditCommand to execute edit methods without a module code in the input.
HelpCommand A child class of Command which helps to provides the list of inputs for the user to know what to type in to use any of the features he wants.
ExitCommand A child class of Command which helps to exit the app.
AddAssessmentCommand A child class of Command which adds assessment to the module.
ScoreAssessmentCommand A child class of Command which adds actual score to the assessment.
DeleteAssessmentCommand A child class of Command which deletes the assessment from the module.


The application consists of two managers, the ScheduleManager and ModuleManager. The ScheduleManager will handle the storing of Task in each day. The ModuleManager will handle storing the task of each Module.

Below is a UML Diagram showing some of the key methods and properties of the ScheduleManager and ModuleManager classes.

Class Function
ScheduleManager The ScheduleManager class helps to store the Tasks in each day.
ModuleManager ModuleManager class helps to store the Tasks of each module.

Some Design Considerations on how to store the Task in the ScheduleManager:


The application will save all of the application’s data to a local directory (specified when launching the jar file) by using a Storage class, which is designed as singleton and can only be created and assessed through public class methods of Storage.

When DueQuest is launched, the Storage instance will be created and read all the files in the specified storage directory. After that, it will load data into ScheduleManager and ModuleManager.

When using the app, the commands (not all of them, e.g. exit, help, display commands won’t call Storage) will call Storage to export updated module to local files every time they are executed.

Below is the UML of Storage:

Class Function
Storage It exports the data in the application and converts it into the form of a txt file. This allows users to retain their saved data after exiting the app. More elaboration of how this will be done will be shown later, where a sequence diagram will show how this process works.

4. Implementation

This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.

Add Feature

The add implementation allows the user to add a Lesson, Event or Deadline. This is facilitated by implementing the ScheduleManager and ModuleManager, which stores all of the Task in them. The ScheduleManager helps to save these tasks into the dates according to the date of the Task as stated by the User. The ModuleManager will also add the Task into the respective module that it belongs to. Below is a sequence diagram which shows how adding of a Lesson works. Adding of a Event or a Deadline is also in a similar fashion.

  1. The user inputs lesson online lecutre CS2113 /on 5 16:00 18:00, which will be by read by the Ui by it’s readCommand() method, and returned as a String variable called fullCommand.
  2. A Parser is then used to obtain the logic behind the user’s input. The Parser will first use it’s parse(fullCommand) method, which will then call the parseLesson(fullCommand) method after finding out that the user wants to add a lesson since that was the first word in the user input for this case.
  3. The parseLesson(fullCommand) method will return a Lesson lesson object. It will also call a AddCommand, which will contain the Lesson lesson object, and the AddCommand will be returned to the DueQuest main class.
  4. Next, the AddCommand will be executed to handle the logic of adding a lesson with the details as stated by the user’s input.
  5. Finally, the execute(ScheduleManager scheduleManager, ModuleManager moduleManager) will first call the ScheduleManager, which calls its own addLesson(lesson, moduleManager, ui) method to add the lesson to itself. It also calls the ModuleManager object, and the ModuleManager will call its own addTaskToModule(lesson, moduleCodeOfLesson) to add the lesson to the Module in it which has the module code stated by the user.

Display Feature

For display method, there are 5 possible scenarios that could include parameters such as Module code, date & range of date. As seen from the diagram, the 5 Scenarios are:

  1. Display today Schedule
  2. Display all information in a specific module
  3. Display all task in a specific module on a specific date
  4. Display all task within a range of dates
  5. Display all task on a specific date

Example: flow for Displaying today schedule:

  1. The user will run the app and type in “display”, which will then be received by the Ui and it returns the input as a String fullCommand
  2. The String fullCommand will then be parsed by a Parser to return an DisplayCommand object.
  3. The DisplayCommand object will then be executed to display today’s Schedule using the ScheduleManager.displayToday() method

Storage Feature

The storage is implemented in singleton such that the Storage class holds only 1 private instance, the constructor of which (e.g. Storage(directoryPath)) is private. Such instance can only be created with the class method, Storage.setUpStorage(directoryPath).

  1. Set up the Storage from local disk. storage instance will be created.

  1. Add/Edit Module and Its Components When modules’ information or their components are changed (e.g. add, delete the module or add, delete the assessments, etc.), the changed module’s code will be passed to storage. Storage will export the new information of the changed Module to the corresponding local files.

  1. Edit/Delete Action

Edit Feature

The EditCommand base class forms the basis for the two extensions listed below.

  1. Edit Module Command: When the EditModuleCommand is executed, it checks for the description of the particular property to edit with ScheduleManager and ModuleManager. The constructor function is overloaded such that the conditions will check for which property to edit. In the case that there are no module details to modify, the function execution will go on to check for module tasks to modify.

  1. Edit Task Command: When the EditTaskCommand is executed, it checks for the description of the particular property to edit with ScheduleManager and ModuleManager. The constructor function is overloaded such that the conditions will check for which property to edit.

Delete Feature

The DeleteCommand is the class which oversees the deletion of modules and tasks.

  1. The DeleteCommand class is overloaded such that the conditions of the deletion are checked. The ScheduleManager and ModuleManager both manage their deletions separately, overloading the deletions where necessary.

5. Documentation

This Section describes how to write documentation for the project. The projects is written in GitHub-Flavoured Markdown

Basic Thing to know

Style guidance



6. Running Tests

Running Tests

There are two ways to run tests

  1. Using IntelliJ JUnit Test Runner
    1. To run all the test, right click on the src/test/java and choose Run ‘Tests in tp.test’
    2. To run a subset of test, you can right click on a test package, test class, or a test and choose run “ScheduleManagerTest”
  2. Using Gradle
    1. Open a console and run the command gradlew clean test
    2. For Mac or linux users, use ./gradlew clean test

Types of Tests

For this project, we used: - Unit Test. For eg, seedu.ModuleManagerTest. - Integration Testing. For eg, seedu.duequest.DueQuestTest.

7. Appendices

Appendix A: Product Scope

Target user profile

The target user for our app is for:

Value proposition

To help NUS Students by keeping them on track with their schedule and work on a daily basis using a CLI driven app. Thus, reducing the chances of them forgetting about any work related to school.

Appendix B: User Stories

This is an example of how we originally tackle the user stories.

Appendix C: Non Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Should be quick enough to take in input from the user and show output for the user.
  3. A user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.

Appendix D: Glossary

Appendix E: Instructions for Manual Testing

Given below are instructions to test the app manually.

Initial Launch

  1. Download the latest executable jar file from our latest release.
  2. Copy the jar file into an empty folder.
  3. Run the program using the command line by inputting java -jar DueQuestv2.1jar.
  4. You should see the following below

Adding a module

Positive Test

  1. Enter module c/CS2113 a/4 s/Dr.Akshay s/ChengChen into the console and you should see the following below:

Negative Test 1: Duplicate module code

  1. Enter module c/CS2113 a/4 s/Dr.Akshay s/ChengChen again into the console and you should see the following below:

Negative Test 2: Invalid module code

  1. Enter module c/cs2113 a/4 s/Dr.Akshay s/ChengChen into the console and you should see the following below:

Negative Test 3: au not specified

  1. Enter module c/ST2113 into the console and you should see the following below:

Adding Tasks.

There are three types of tasks to add: Lesson, Event and Deadline

Adding a Lesson

Positive Test

  1. Enter lesson online lecture CS2113 /on 5 16:00 18:00 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter display CS2113 into the console and you should see if the lesson has been indeed added to the module. You should see the following below:

Negative Test 1: A module code that does not exist in the ModuleManager

  1. Enter lesson online lecture MA2113 /on 5 16:00 18:00 into the console and you should see the following below:

Negative Test 2: Invalid Start Time

  1. Enter lesson online lecture CS2113 /on 5 16:aa 18:00 into the console and you should see the following below:

Negative Test 3: Invalid frequency

  1. Enter lesson online lecture CS2113 /on 8 16:00 18:00 into the console and you should see the following below:

Adding an Event

Positive Test

  1. Enter event CS2113 final exam /at 2021-05-03 14:00 16:00 LT14 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter display /date 2021/05/03 into the console and to see that the event has been indeed added to the date. You should see the following below:

  1. Enter display CS2113 into the console and to see that the event has been indeed added to the module. You should see the following below: Note: The lesson added previously is still inside CS2113

Negative Test 1: A module code that does not exist in the ModuleManager

  1. Enter event MA3333 final exam /at 2021-05-03 14:00 16:00 LT14 into the console and you should see the following below:

Negative Test 2: A date that is out of range (meaning not between 1 January 2021 and 31 May 2021)

  1. Enter event CS2113 final exam /at 2021-06-01 14:00 16:00 LT14 into the console and you should see the following below:

Negative Test 3: A start time that is too early

  1. Enter event CS2113 final exam /at 2021-05-01 07:00 10:00 LT14 into the console and you should see the following below:

Adding an Deadline

Positive Test

  1. Enter deadline CS2113 TP version 1 /by 2021-04-04 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter display /date 2021/04/04 into the console and to see that the deadline has been indeed added to the date. You should see the following below:

  1. Enter display CS2113 into the console to see that the deadline has been indeed added to the module. You should see the following below: Note: the lesson and event added before this is still inside CS2113

Negative Test 1: deadline with empty description

  1. Enter deadline CS2113 /by 2021-04-04 into the console and you should see the following below:

Negative Test 2: deadline with invalid date format

  1. Enter deadline CS2113 TP version 1 /by 2021-4-4 into the console and you should see the following below:

Adding an Assessment

Positive Test

  1. Enter assessment CS2113 TP 100 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter display CS2113 into the console to see if the assessment has been indeed added. You should see the following below: Note: the lesson, event and deadline added before is still inside CS2113

Negative Test 1: Missing assessment title name

  1. Enter assessment CS2113 100 into the console and you should see the following below:

Add score to an assessment

Positive Test

  1. Enter score CS2113 TP 100 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter display CS2113 into the console to see if the score of the assessment has been indeed added. You should see the following below:

Negative Test 1: Adding score to an assessment with a title that does not exist in the module.

  1. Enter score CS2113 aa 100 into the console and you should see the following below:

Negative Test 2: Adding score to an assessment to a module that does not exist

  1. Enter score CT2113 TP 100 into the console and you should see the following below:

Delete an assessment

Positive Test

  1. Enter delete_assessment CS2113 TP into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter display CS2113 into the console to see if the assessment has been indeed deleted. You should see the following below:

Negative Test 1: Deleting of an assessment that does not exist

  1. Enter delete_assessment CS2113 minitest into the console and you should see the following below:


Positive Test

  1. Enter display CS2113 into the console and you should see the following below:

Negative Test 1: Module code that does not exist

  1. Enter display CS2113T into the console and you should see the following below:

Display all the task in a module on a date

Positive Test

  1. Enter display CS2113 /date 2021/04/04 into the console and you should see the following below:

Negative Test 1: Invalid date

  1. Enter display CS2113 /date 2021/04/0a into the console and you should see the following below:

Display all the task on a date

Positive Test

  1. Enter display /date 2021/05/03 into the console and you should see the following below:

Negative Test 1: Invalid Date: Date not between 1 January 2021 and 31 May 2021

  1. Enter display /date 2020/12/31 into the console and you should see the following below:

Display all the task on a range of date

Positive Test

  1. Enter display /date 2021/05/02-2021/05/05 into the console and you should see the following below:

Negative Test 1: Invalid date format

  1. Enter display /date 2021/00/02-2021/06/05 into the console and you should see the following below:

Editing a task

Important! Please do the following before carrying on with the rest of the tests for this section.

  1. Enter delete c/CS2113 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter module c/CS2113 a/4 to add the module and you should see the following below:

Edit the date of a task with description

Positive Test

  1. Enter deadline CS2113 tp /by 2021-04-20 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter edit tp /date 2021-04-20 /date /2021-04-21 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter display CS2113 into the console to check if the date of the task tp has been indeed changed in the module, and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter display /date 2021/04/21 into the console to check if the date of the task tp has been indeed changed in the date, and you should see the following below:

Negative Test 1: Description that does not match any task

  1. Enter edit team_pro /date 2021-04-20 /date /2021-04-21 into the console and you should see the following below:

Edit the date of a task with description and module code

Positive Test

Note: We carry on from the previous example, so there exist a task on 2021/04/21 tp from before

  1. Enter edit c/CS2113 tp /date 2021-04-21 /date /2021-04-20 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter display CS2113 into the console to check if the date of the task tp has been indeed changed in the module, and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter display /date 2021/04/20 into the console to check if the date of the task tp has been indeed changed in the date, and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter display /date 2021/04/21 into the console to check if the date of the task tp has been indeed changed in the date, and you should see the following below:

Negative Test 1: Invalid module code

  1. Enter edit c/CS2114 tp /date 2021-04-20 /date /2021-04-21 into the console and you should see the following below:

Deleting tasks

Important! Please do the following before carrying on with the rest of the tests for this section.

  1. Enter delete c/CS2113 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter module c/CS2113 a/4 to add the module and you should see the following below:

Deleting task via description

Positive Test

  1. Enter deadline CS2113 tp /by 2021-04-20 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter delete tp into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter display CS2113 into the console to check if the date of the task tp has been indeed deleted in the module, and you should see the following below:
    Note: Notice that the deadline has been deleted

  1. Enter display /date 2021/04/20 into the console to check if the date of the task tp has been indeed deleted in the date, and you should see the following below:

Negative test 1: deleting task with description that does not exist in the app

  1. Add back the deadline by entering deadline CS2113 tp /by 2021-04-20 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter delete tpp into the console and you should see the following below:

Deleting task via description and date

Note: Remember that there is already a deadline that was not deleted in the earlier part

Positive test

  1. Enter delete tp /date 2021-04-20 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter display CS2113 into the console to check if the date of the task tp has been indeed deleted in the module, and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter display /date 2021/04/20 into the console to check if the date of the task tp has been indeed deleted in the date, and you should see the following below: Note: Notice that the deadline has been deleted

Negative Test 1:Invalid date

  1. Add back the deadline by entering deadline CS2113 tp /by 2021-04-20 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter delete tp /date 2021-04-aa into the console and you should see the following below:

Delete all of a module’s task on a certain date

Note: Remember that there is already a deadline that was not deleted in the earlier part

  1. Add another deadline by entering deadline CS2113 tp jar file /by 2021-04-20 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter delete c/CS2113 /date 2021-04-20 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter display CS2113 into the console to check if the date of the task tp has been indeed deleted in the module, and you should see the following below: Note: Notice all the tasks of CS2113 has been deleted)

  1. Enter display /date 2021/04/20 into the console to check if the date of the task tp has been indeed deleted in the date, and you should see the following below: Note: Notice all the tasks of on 2021/04/20 has been deleted)

Negative Test 1: Invalid date

  1. Add back the deadline by entering deadline CS2113 tp /by 2021-04-20 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter delete c/CS2113 /date 2021-04-2a into the console and you should see the following below:

Delete all of a module’s task’s with fitting description, on a certain date

Note: Remember that there is already a deadline that was not deleted in the earlier part

Positive Test

  1. Add another deadline by entering deadline CS2113 tp dg /by 2021-04-25 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter delete c/CS2113 tp /date 2021-04-20 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter display CS2113 into the console to check if the date of the task tp has been indeed deleted in the module, and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter display /date 2021/04/20 into the console to check if the date of the task tp has been indeed deleted in the date, and you should see the following below:

Negative Test: Invalid date

Note: Remember that you still have the deadline tp dg by 2021-04-25 in the app

  1. Enter delete c/CS2113 tp /date 2021-04-2a into the console and you should see the following below:

Deleting entire module

Positive Test

  1. Enter delete c/CS2113 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter display CS2113 into the console to check if the date of the task tp has been indeed deleted in the module, and you should see the following below:

Negative Test: Module code that does not exist in the app

  1. Add the module back by entering module c/CS2113 a/4 into the console and you should see the following below:

  1. Enter delete c/CS2113T into the console and you should see the following below:

Exiting the app

Positive Test

  1. Enter bye into the console and you should see the following below:

Negative Test 1: Invalid input

  1. Enter byee into the console and you should see the following below: