Ang Chun Yang’s Project Portfolio Page
Project: DueQuest
DueQuest is an application which helps NUS students manage their schedule in the semester as well as tasks related to their modules that they are taking. Our design of DueQuest is such that it is specific for AY 2020/2021 Semester 2.
Summary of Contributions
Code Contribution
See the RepoSense Dashboard here for my contributions to DueQuest.
Enhancements Implemented
- Implemented the creation and design of the ScheduleManager class
- Implemented the function to add Tasks - namely Lesson, Event and Deadline objects into the ScheduleManager and ModuleManager classes.
- Implemented and tested test cases in the following test classes and contributed to 35% code line coverage, 38% method coverage :
- ScheduleManagerTest
- ModuleManagerTest
- ParserTest
- DueQuestTest
Contributions to documentation
- For User guide:
- Wrote the introduction.
- Wrote description on definition of a valid MODULECODE.
- Wrote description for adding tasks, adding lessons, adding events, adding deadlines.
- Wrote description for exiting the app.
- For Developer Guide
- Wrote table of contents.
- Wrote introduction.
- Wrote details on setting up.
- Helped with drawing of diagram in Architecture Diagram.
- Wrote and drew diagram in Task component in the Design Component.
- Helped with writing and drawing of diagram in Command component in the Design Component.
- Wrote and drew diagram in Managers component in the Design Component, including the design considerations.
- Wrote and drew diagram in Add Feature in the Implementation Component.
- Helped with writing of Manual Testing.
Contributions to team-based tasks
- Helped with solving some checkstyle issues.
- Helped with keeping track of deadlines and everyone’s pace.
Reviewing/mentoring contributions
- Helped teammate with the editing and deletion of tasks.